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Wednesday, March 28, 2012



1. Complete the equations a) 1 MW = ……… J/s b) 1 fm = …… m
c) 10-9 sec = 1 ……sec d) 100mg = …….kg 2
2. Match the following
Physical Quantity Equation Dimensional Formula
Work F. r2/m1 m2 M L-1 T -1
Gravitational Constant F dx/Adv M L T -2
Coefficient of viscosity F.d M-1 L3 T -2
3. If the radius of earth is shrinked by 3%, What would be the percentage change in volume ? 2
4. Rajesh was watching some fishes moving under water in an aquarium. He located positions of a
golden fish with respect to the corner point taken as an arbitrary origin.
a) Name the type of motion of fishes under water. ½
b) If the golden fish moves a straight distance of 20cm in 4 seconds and then 15 cm in 5seconds 1
determine its average speed. x (m)
c) Derive the following equations of motion for a uniformly accelerated motion.
i) vt = vo + at ii) S = vot + ½ at2 2
5. Write the principle or law behind the following facts
a) Passengers in a starting bus falling backwards
b) A cricket player draws his hands backward while catching a ball.
c) A gun recoils after firing.
d) In a nest the birds are flying with different momenta but the nets possesses zero momentum.
[ Total Score 4]
6. A spring attached with a block of mass ‘m’ is oscillating horizontally over a smooth table.
a) Name the constant associated with the spring motion. Give its unit. 1
b) State and explain the law of conservation of energy of the oscillating spring system. 3
c) Draw the energy – position graph showing variation of P.E. , K.E. and T.E. 1
[ Total Score 5]
7. Two billiard balls A and B of masses m1 and m2 moving with velocities u1 and u2. At a time they
collide elastically. After collision their velocities are changed as v1 and v2.
a) What are elastic collisions? Give one example. 1
b) Show that relative velocity is numerically conserved in elastic collision in one dimension. 2
c) Derive the final velocities of A and B after collision 2
[ Total Score 5]
8. Gopal was boasting to his friend Bhaskar “ My grandpa raised an elephant by his fore finger when a
lifting force applied at the centre of mass of elephant”.
a) Give the importance of centre of mass of a body. 1
b) Write the relation for its position, velocity and acceleration of the centre of mass. 2
c) The circus players fold their hands to adjust their angular speed of rotation. Explain the situation with
proper theoretical support. 2
[ Total Score 5]
9. Why do girders are designed to be in the form of letter ‘I’. [ Total Score 2]
10.In a continuous flow of a fluid through a pipe of varying cross section from 2 x 10-4 m2 to
5x 10-4m2. Find out the velocity of emerging fluid , if it is entering with a velocity 8 m/s . 1 ½
c) Venturimeter is used to measure the flow of a liquid through a pipe. Using the principle behind
its working derive a relation for the velocity of flow of the liquid. 3
[ Total Score 5]
11. In a resonance column the waves generated are stationary.
a) Mention how does a standing wave obtain. 1
b) Draw the wave form in a resonance column. 1
c) If the pipe open at one end is raised to a height ‘L’ it resonates, deduce the possible frequencies. 3
[ Total Score 5]
12. Simple pendulum is a system executing simple harmonic oscillations with a period T
a) Write another system in simple harmonic motion. 1
b) Obtain the relation for T. 2
c) Comment on the dependence of T on : i) length of pendulum ‘l’ and ii) mass of the bob ‘m’. 2
[ Total Score 5]
13. The working of Carnot’s heat engine is reversible.
a) If we reverse the direction of working of a heat engine, we get another device. What is it? 1
b) Explain the second law of thermodynamics . 3
c) A thermometer showed the body temperature of a person noted by a nurse as 1040F. Whether he
is suffering from fever if normal human body temperature is 380C. 2
[ Total Score 6]
14. a) Mention the different modes of heat transfer. 2
b) Explain the natural phenomenon of Sea breeze and land breeze 1 ½
c) Given area of cross section of a metal rod is 2.5 m2 and conductivity of 406Wm-1 K-1 . At steady
state a temperature fall of 0.5 0C is existing over unit length. 2 ½
[ Total Score 6]

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