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Monday, March 26, 2012



1. Match the following
(a) Force 10…..
(b) work N
(c) Micrometer M L T……
(D) Theory of relativity Thomas Alva Edison (4×1/2=2)
2. (a) If x=a+bt+ct…. Where ‘x’ is in meter and ‘t’ is in second, find the
dimensional formula of ‘b’ ? (1)
(b) The physical quantity ‘p’ is related is four observable a, b, c, & d as
{ equation} The percentage error of measurement in a, b, c, & d are
1%. 3%. 4% & 2% respectively. What us the percentage error in ‘P’.?
4. Two men are pulling a stone from to different mutually perpendicular
direction with the same force
(a) Which law can apply to find the direction of motion ?
(b) Derive an expression to find magnitude of resultant force ?
5. While firing a bullet ,like gun must be held tight to the shoulder.
(a) which law of conservation explains the recoil of gun ? (1/2)
(b) Show that recoil velocity is opposite to the muzzle velocity of the bullet (1)
(c) A gun of mass 5 kg, fire a bullet of mass 5 g, vertically upwards to a height of
100 m. calculate the recoil velocity of gun? (1)
(d) How weight is different from mass.
6. work is to be done is lift a body from the ground . Let the body be dropped
from certain height.
(a) State work –energy theorem
(b) Graphically represent the variation of KE and PE with respect to the body
(1 ½)
(c) from the graph where will you find
(1) Maximum PE and (2) Maximum KE (3)
6. Moment of inertia of a sphere about a diameter is
(a) Which is meant by moment of inertia (1)
(b) Which theorem of moment of inertia is used to calculate the moment of
inertia of sphere about a tangent AB
(c) State perpendicular axis theorem
(d) Calculate the moment of inertia of a sphere about a
tangent A B. Case necessary theorem
7.Mathematical form of perpendicular axis theorem is (a) I2-Ix+Iy………………
8. Value of g on earth varies from place to place and reduies as we go higher and
higher above the surface of earth
(1) Find the expression of ‘g’ at altitude
(2) At what height above the surface of the earth will the value of reduced to
g/4 ? (1)
(3) Derive an expression for the minimum velocity with which a satelite can
revolve around the earth in it’s orbit
(4) State- kepler’s puiodic law
11.Three moles an ideal gas kept at constant temp of 300K are compressed
from 6 litre to 2 litre
(a) which is the thermodynamic process involved ? (1)
(b) Calculate the work done required to compress ? (2)
12. The engine s of the motor vehicles convert thermal energy into
mechanical energy .They are called heat engines
a)discuss the construction and the different stages of working of a heat engine
c) Calculate the efficiency of the connot’s engine working b/w the steam
point and the …………. Point
12. A particle of mass ‘m’ Executing SHM
a) Arrive the differential equation ………………………………………. (2)
b) Arrive at an expression for tune period of a simple pendulum (3)
c) What do you mean by second’s pendulum (1)
13. consider a string stretched b/w two fixed support. A stationary wave can
be produced on the string by suitably exiting with a tuning fork.
(a)What is a stationary wave (1)
(b) Explain condition for the formation of a stationary wave
(c) Draw the fig:
………………………………………………………………………….harmonic of vibration of a
stretched string fixed at both ends (2)

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