SET 10
1. Define data and information with example? Score 32. What are the characteristics of the computer? Score 3
3. How can you improve the quality of Information? Score 3
4. Name the components of electronic equipments that are used for data processing?
Score 3
5. The computers make use of some major components during the data processing
operation .Explain the purpose of each. Score 4
6. Briefly explains different number system? Score 3
7. Convert the following number into the equivalent number systems. Score 3
(8888)10 = (………..)2 = (………..)8 = (………..)16
8. Most of the leading banks accept only MICR cheques. What is its specialty? Give the
advantages of using MICR. Score 3
9. Include each of the following numbers into all possible number systems
123, 569, 1101 Score 3
10. List all the printers in which carbon copies can be taken. Score 2
11. Mention some of the qualities of Information? Score 2
12. Write down the MSB and LSB of the following number
(11010.01111)2 Score 2
13. Briefly explains
a) RAM b) PROM c)EPROM d)EEPROM Score 4
15) Write briefly on any of the two input devices? Score 2
16. Explain the organization of a computer? How does the various units interact with
each other? Score 4
17. How can we use computers in the field of Communication? Score 2
18. Compare CRT and LCD based on principle of development of an image?
Score 2
Section –B
19. Explain Binary Representation of Integers? Score 5
20. What is data processing? Explain the basic data processing activities
21. Convert the following numbers to their binary equivalent
a. (2AC) 16 b. (F23) 16 c. (173)8
d. (235)8 e. (398)10 f. (783)10 Score 4
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