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Friday, May 25, 2012


SET 11

1. ASCII is ________ bit code
a. 6 b. 7 c. 9 d. 5 1
2. The diagrammatic representation of Algorithm is called______ 1
3. Pick the odd one out
a. goto b. return c. break d. continue 1
4. The output of 5%2 will be ________ 1
5. Give the output of
a. cout<<sizeof(double);
b. cout<<sizeof(short); 2
6. Assuming that variable ‘res ‘starts with value 25,What will be the following
code fragment prints out
a. cout<<res--;
b. cout>>++res; 2
7. Differentiate between ‘=’ and’= =’ 2
8. Match the following
a. 1024 byte Search Engine
b. Norton Browser
c. Google Antivirus
d. Mozilla 1KB
1MB 2
9. Computers are considered as slaves and human beings are their masters.
Justify statement 2
10. Categorize the following tokens
a. cout b. && c. sum d. void 2
11. Identify errors in the following program code
Void main()
int a:
chr name(10);
cout<<”Enter number”;
} 2
12. Using while loop rewrite following code segment
for(int j=1,sum=0;j<=10;j=j+1)
sum+=j; 2
13. There are three programs written in BASIC,C++,Assembly Lang
a. List out language processors needed 2
b. Write differences in Language translation 2
14. List any four different categories of software packages with an example for
each 3
15. Rewrite the following statement into a single statement using conditional
} 3
16. Breifly explain the working and usage of MICR and OMR
17. Not all primary memories are volatile.Justify 3
18. Fill up the missing digits
a. (8A)16=(______1010)2
b. (__6__)8=(101___010)2 3
19. Name the header files where following functions are defined
a. setw() b. exp() c. atoi() d. strcmp() e. isalpha() f. sin() 3
20. Suppose you want to send a letter to your friend over internet.Explain
different steps for it 3
21. You are trying to interconnect the computers in the lab.
a. Which topology you will prefer.Justify 3
b. Identify supporting devices 1
22. Compare CRT with Flat Panel Dispalys 4
23. Customers are waiting infront of a cash counter to pay the telephone
bills.Name the data structure which is suitable while computerizing
payment of bills.Write the operation performed for this system
24. Consider a stack of plates as an array .Use separate algorithm to perform
operation on the stack 5
25. Write an algorithm to perform binary search on an array

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