1. Provide the missing termsa) A +B+…..=ABC
b) 1002 +100 2+1008=………………10 (2 Score)
2)Consider the following C++ code fragment
Int p=1;char c=’A’;
a)Predict the output
b)Modify the above code using for loop (2 Score)
3.Some C++ operators are given below
> * / || ==
a)Categorize and explain each category (3 Score)
4.) Consider the following C++ code fragment
If(p=2) cout<<”Two”;
Elseif(p=3)cout <<”Three”;
Correct the errors and rewrite using Switch (3 Score)
5) Consider the following code and write the output of d
float add(int a=10,float b=5.0,int c=10)
{ return a+b+c;
6 )A liist of input devices are given below (3 Score)
1)Keyboard 2)MICR 3)OMR 4)Scanner 5)Joystick 6)Lightpen 7)Barc ode Reader
Select the most appropriate device for the following situations.Also specify any one feature of the
a)Artists and architects use this device to develop computerized designs
b)DTP operator to input pictures and photographs
c)Children use this device for playing computer games
d)Evaluation of objective type questions
e)Quick processing of bank cheque
7)Pick odd one out and give reason
a)get() b) getchar() c) put() d)getline() (2 Score)
8) Your school needs to set up a computer lab with atleast 10 computers connected together.
Give the s/w and h/w requirements for doing this. (3 Score)
9) Consider the following codes
for( int i=0;i<10;i++) for( int i=0;i<10;i++)
{ if(i==5) break; {if(i==5) continue;
cout<< i;} cout<< I;}
a) Predict the outputs
b) Compare break and continue (3 score)
10) What stylistic guidelines may be followed to design a good program (2 Score)
11)Raju wrote a computer program . While compiling and running he saw many errors
a)Identify the name given to the process of removing errors
b)Briefly explain the type of errors (3 Score)
12).Write a c++ program to find the factorial of a given number (3 Score)
13) Differentiate x=5 and x==5 (2 Score)
14)The filled application forms from the applicants are used to prepare rank list for +1 admission.
a) Identify data and information in this context (1 +2 Score)
b) If an applicant fails to submit application in time which quality of information is affected and how?
15)Write a c++ program to get the following output (3 Score)
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
16) Differentiate call by value and call by reference with an example (4 Score)
17) Predict the output (3 Score)
Int p,q,r,a,b,c;
p=a++ + ++ a ;
q=++b + b++
r= -- c+ --c;
18)Draw the flowchart to print the largest of three numbers (3 Score)
19)Vinu wanted to buy a computer monitor. He preferred LCD over CRT . Give reason(2 Score)
20)Name the operations in a stack. Explain each with algorithms. (5 Score)
21) Name the operations in a queue. Explain each with algorithms22) Write algorithm /program to implement sorting in an array. (5 Score)
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