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Friday, May 25, 2012


SET 11

1. ASCII is ________ bit code
a. 6 b. 7 c. 9 d. 5 1
2. The diagrammatic representation of Algorithm is called______ 1
3. Pick the odd one out
a. goto b. return c. break d. continue 1
4. The output of 5%2 will be ________ 1
5. Give the output of
a. cout<<sizeof(double);
b. cout<<sizeof(short); 2
6. Assuming that variable ‘res ‘starts with value 25,What will be the following
code fragment prints out
a. cout<<res--;
b. cout>>++res; 2
7. Differentiate between ‘=’ and’= =’ 2
8. Match the following
a. 1024 byte Search Engine
b. Norton Browser
c. Google Antivirus
d. Mozilla 1KB
1MB 2
9. Computers are considered as slaves and human beings are their masters.
Justify statement 2
10. Categorize the following tokens
a. cout b. && c. sum d. void 2
11. Identify errors in the following program code
Void main()
int a:
chr name(10);
cout<<”Enter number”;
} 2
12. Using while loop rewrite following code segment
for(int j=1,sum=0;j<=10;j=j+1)
sum+=j; 2
13. There are three programs written in BASIC,C++,Assembly Lang
a. List out language processors needed 2
b. Write differences in Language translation 2
14. List any four different categories of software packages with an example for
each 3
15. Rewrite the following statement into a single statement using conditional
} 3
16. Breifly explain the working and usage of MICR and OMR
17. Not all primary memories are volatile.Justify 3
18. Fill up the missing digits
a. (8A)16=(______1010)2
b. (__6__)8=(101___010)2 3
19. Name the header files where following functions are defined
a. setw() b. exp() c. atoi() d. strcmp() e. isalpha() f. sin() 3
20. Suppose you want to send a letter to your friend over internet.Explain
different steps for it 3
21. You are trying to interconnect the computers in the lab.
a. Which topology you will prefer.Justify 3
b. Identify supporting devices 1
22. Compare CRT with Flat Panel Dispalys 4
23. Customers are waiting infront of a cash counter to pay the telephone
bills.Name the data structure which is suitable while computerizing
payment of bills.Write the operation performed for this system
24. Consider a stack of plates as an array .Use separate algorithm to perform
operation on the stack 5
25. Write an algorithm to perform binary search on an array


SET 10

1. Define data and information with example? Score 3
2. What are the characteristics of the computer? Score 3
3. How can you improve the quality of Information? Score 3
4. Name the components of electronic equipments that are used for data processing?
Score 3
5. The computers make use of some major components during the data processing
operation .Explain the purpose of each. Score 4
6. Briefly explains different number system? Score 3
7. Convert the following number into the equivalent number systems. Score 3
(8888)10 = (………..)2 = (………..)8 = (………..)16
8. Most of the leading banks accept only MICR cheques. What is its specialty? Give the
advantages of using MICR. Score 3
9. Include each of the following numbers into all possible number systems
123, 569, 1101 Score 3
10. List all the printers in which carbon copies can be taken. Score 2
11. Mention some of the qualities of Information? Score 2
12. Write down the MSB and LSB of the following number
(11010.01111)2 Score 2
13. Briefly explains
a) RAM b) PROM c)EPROM d)EEPROM Score 4
15) Write briefly on any of the two input devices? Score 2

16. Explain the organization of a computer? How does the various units interact with
each other? Score 4

17. How can we use computers in the field of Communication? Score 2
18. Compare CRT and LCD based on principle of development of an image?
Score 2
Section –B
19. Explain Binary Representation of Integers? Score 5
20. What is data processing? Explain the basic data processing activities
21. Convert the following numbers to their binary equivalent
a. (2AC) 16 b. (F23) 16 c. (173)8
d. (235)8 e. (398)10 f. (783)10 Score 4



1. In a C++ program Johny wrote the statement ‘float salary’. He wants to know how many bytes the
variable ‘salary’ will take. Name the operator he can use. (Score 1)
2. a)Classify the following operators into different categories.
<<, %, <, +, /, &&, ++, !=, ! (Score 2)
b) 6AE5, 6AE3, 6AE1, ……., ……… (Fill the missing term) (Score 1)
3. Pick the odd one out
a) Dot Matrix Printer b)Inkjet Printer c) Daisy Wheel Printer d) Drum Printer (Score 1)
4. The Single Window System for plus one admission collects data from the applicants
through a form. These details in this application form are used to prepare allotment list.
a) Write down the data and information in this context. (Score 1)
b) If an applicant fails to give options of schools and groups for his/her admission, which utility
factor of information will be affected? Give reason for your opinion. (Score 2)
5. a)Let ‘Amount’ is an array. Write the c++ statement to access the 10th element of the array
(Score 1)
b)Rewrite the following statement using if statement.
Big=A>B?A:B; (Score 2)
c)Predict the output of the following
int a = 10,b;
b = a++ + ++a + ++a; (Score 1)
6.a) Categorize the following hardware and software. (Score 1)
Driver, Mouse, Translators, OMR, Light Pen, CPU, Utilities, Operating System
b) Add three more items in each category. (Score 2)
7. Analyse the following cases and write down the most suitable memory devices for each.
a) A small sized biodata file saved in the computer is to be taken outside for printing. (Score 1)
b)Very large data capacity compact and usually not portable. (Score 1)
8. Explain the different types of errors that occur in a program. (score 3)
9. a)Categorise the following I/O functions and write the speciality of each category. (score 3)
Getchar(), puts(), getch(), getline(), putchar(), gets(), read(), write(), get(), put()
b)If (54)x = (124)y,then (41)x = (……….)y. (Score 2)
10. Diagram of one of the phases in programming is given below
Source code ? Object code
a) Nme the phase (Score 1)
b) What can be used in place of ‘?’ in the above diagram? Explain. (Score 2)
11. Categorize the various tokens present in the following code
Void main()
int k;
float p;
k = 15;
p = k/2.0;
} (Score 2)
12. Rewrite the following code using while loop
for(count =10;count<=50;cont++)
} (Score 2)
13. Some real life situation are given below. Correlate these with a data structure / operation.
a) Combining Malayalam students of Commerce batch and Science batch.
b)Give 2 bonus marks for each student in the class.
c) Preparing a rank list based on the mark of student.
d) Take one plate from a bundle of plates. (Score 2)
14. Find out the errors in the program and correct it. (Score 2)
String main
int a, b, c;
a + b =c
15. Write down the prototype for the following.
a) Function ‘triangle’ that 3 floating point argument a, b and c and return a floating point result.
b) Function’arr’ will take 3 integers and does not return any thing. (Score1)
c) Function ‘Sum’ will not take any argument and return an integer as result. (Score1)
16. Consider the following code
for(int i=10;i<20;i++)
cout<<i<<” “;
a) What will be the output of the above code? (Score 2)
b) Predict the output when ‘break’ is replaced by ‘continue’ (Score 2)
17. a)How can you represent various languages in computer? Explain the code used for this purpose.
(Score 1)
b)Classify computer networks based on geographical area and physical arrangement. Explain any
two from each of the classification category with its merit and demerit. (Score 3)
18. Explain the term function recursion with an example. (Score 3)
19. Suppose you want to know whether a particular item is included in a list.
a)Which methods can be used for this? (Score1)
b) Write down the program for the efficient method. (Score 4)
20. The rate of income tax on salary is shown below. Write a c++ program to calculate the tax.
(score 5)
Salary Tax Rate
Below Rs. 100000 No Tax
150000 – 160000 10%
160000 – 200000 20%
Above 200000 30%
21. You are standing in a row to remit electricity bill.
a)Which data structure can be compared with this? (Score 1)
b) Write an algorithm to add and remove a person to that row. (Score 4)



1. Computers are more capable than human beings. List and explain any four arguments
supporting this statement. (2)
2. A student put his plus 1 application form just after the last date. Here which utility of
information is missed. What are the other utilities ? (3)
3. Fill up the missing numbers
(D‐‐‐‐‐‐‐)16 = (‐‐‐‐‐‐‐1000)2 (1)
(‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐) 8 = (101‐‐‐‐‐‐‐100)2 (1)
4. Represent in 2’s complement form
a) ‐89
b) ‐32 (3)
5. Find the decimal equivalent of the following
a) 72.18 b) 123.2616 (3)
6. Name the input device used for playing games. (1)
7. Explain the speciality of function keys in a keyboard (2)
8. Compare CRT and flat panel display. (3)
9. Compare key board and mouse (3)
10. Explain any two non impact printer and explain. (3)
11. What is ROM ? Explain different types of ROM. (3)
12. Seek time+ Latency time+Transfer time=‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ (1)
13. Computers are connected in many ways in a network . Explain the various types
of arrangement of computers as a network . Draw the block diagram and write features (3)
of each.
14. Differentiate compiler and interpreter. (2)
15. What are the limitations of flowchart and draw the flowchart symbols. (3)
16. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first N natural numbers. (3)
17. Identify the errors if any and correct them.
Void main[]
Int a,b;
Cout>>a>>b; (2)
18. If a=2 , b=3 and c= ++a + b++ then the value of c will be ‐‐‐‐‐‐ (1)
19. Following are some data items. Suggest suitable datatypes in c++ for storing it
Explain each data type by listing its features.
a. 10000 b. 5.24 c. ‘A’ d. 2157367 (2)
20. Match the following
a. Loop statement i. continue
b. Jump statement ii. Do—while
c. Decision statement iii. { a=0; }
d. Compound statement iv. Putchar
v. if (2)
21. Rewrite the following statement using ‘ if ‘statement
Large=a>b ? a : b ; (1)
22. ABC wrote a computer program. While compiling and running he saw many errors .
a. Identify the name given to the process of removing the errors. (1)
b. Briefly explain the type of errors. (3)
23. Write a program to get the following output
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 (4)
24. Write the algorithm for binary search and linear search (4)
25. Identify the odd one from the following.
a. break b. goto c. switch d. continue (1)
26. Distinguish between local and global variables (2)
27. Name the Header file to which following built in function belong to
a. sqrt() b. setw() c. getch() d. strcat() (2)
28. Distinguish between the following functions
a. islower and tolower (1)
b. isupper and toupper (1)



1.'Computers have no Iq of their own'. Explain 1
2.Complete the series100, 110, 1000,______, ______ 1
3.Which device help you to input a photo graph into a computer? 1
4. ____________is the device used for connecting node to a network 1
5. Re-write the given statement using conditonal operator
if(a > b)
print a
print b 1
6. _________statement returns the control to the beginning of the program 1
7. If a=c/(d-e)name the error generated when value of both d and e is 5 1
8. Name the library function used to find the length of a string 1
9. Data processing is a series of operations that convert data into useful informaton.
Explain this with the help of a real life situation. 2
10. Compare CRT monitor and LCD monitor 2
11. You have a computer at home and wants to take an internet connection in your home.
What are the software and hardware required. 2
12. Suppose your friend copies software without permission. Is it a crime?
Justify your answer. 2
13 a)Group the following into
i) key word ii) identifier iii) literal iv) punctuator v) operator
'd', int, my_name, switch, ram , \t , +=, ; 2
b) What is the significance escape sequence? What is the escape sequence used
for null character 2
14. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a number using
a) Entry controlled loop 2
b) exit contro loop 2
15. Compare write() and getline() functions 2
16. Differentiate between LIFO and FIFO 3
17. a)Explain different type of errors that occur in a program 3
b)Explain different methods for giving comments in a C++ program 2
18. a) Explain different types of language processors 3
b) How RAM is differ from ROM 3
19. a)Compare switch and if.......else if ladder 3
b)Explain jump statements available in C++ 3
20. Write a program to find the reverse of a string 3
21. a) Explain Binary Search 2
b) Compare it with linear search 1
c)Write a C++ Program to do binary seach on a sorted array 3
d) write an algorith for linear search 3
e) Write C++ program to do linear seach in an array of give size 3
22. a)Differentiate call by value method and call by refrence method using an example 2
b) Write a C++ function to check a given number is prime or not 3
23. What is recursion? Write a recursive function to find the factorial of a given number. 5



1. ……………. is required for reading bank cheques. (Score 1)
2. …………….. Bits are required for represent a character in ASCII code . (Score 1)
3. …………….. utility is used to create free space in secondary storage devices. (Score 1)
4. Divide by zero is a …………… error.
5. Ramu wants to input three variable using a single C++ statement. Can you help him. (Score 1)
6.clrscr() function is used to ………….. (Score 1)
7. Shyam wants to use some mathematical functions in his program. How can he do this
without adding code of his own. (Score 1)
8. Ram has used a integer variable MARK in his program . How can he find the number of
bytes required to store it. ( Score 1)
9. Vinay got information about his train after it left the station . Which utility of information
is badly affected here . (Score 1)
10. Complete the series
1011,1101,1111,……… , ……… ( In binary)
11.“Input device like joystick and trackball are popular among children “ Comment.(Score 2)
12. A cable operator neat your home uses a popular topology to give new connections . Can
you name and explain its advantages . (Score 2)
13. “ A student copied his friend’s lab programs without his consent “ Which problem related
to software is discussed here. (Score 2)
14. Every language has its character set. Can you explain the character set of C++ language.
(Score 2)
15. “ Arrays are considered a derived data type“ Comment (Score 2)
16. We can transfer program control to anywhere in a program . Do you support this
statement. If yes explain (Score 2)
17.”The functions strcmp and strcmpi nearly are the same “ Comment (Score 3)
18. Can we find whether a user has inputted a digit ? If yes name the function and the header
file associated with it . (Score 3)
19.Everyone can see details displayed on a notice board but not authorized see what is
written in a cash register . Can you connect the above statement with variables used in
C++ language . (Score 3)
20. “ Binary search is faster and better than linear search in some occasions “ Comment with
appropriate examples. (Score 3)
21. Suggest some stylistics guidelines for writing programs . (Score 3)
22. Write a program in C++ for the following output.
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
23. Write a program segment to store and display your name using arrays . (Score 3)
24. Create a simple calculator using switch statement (Score 3)
25. While solving problems using computers we come across many phases . Explain them.
(Score 5)



1. In c++ ----------------------is used as a statement terminator. (score 1)
2. The preprocessor directive #include<iostream.h> is required if
(i) console output is used (ii) console input is used
(iii) Both console input and output is used (iv) none of the above (score 1)
3 Pick up the binary number from the following
(i) 1234 (ii)5AC (iii) 523 (iv) none of these (score 1)
4 Floppy disks are available in the size of
(i) 8” (ii) 5.25” (iii) 3.5” (iv)All of the above (score 1)
5. Pick out the output device from the following
(i) Optical scanner (ii) CRT (iii) voice recognition (iv) All of the above (score 1)
6. A computer program is (score 1)
(i) an algorithm (ii) a complete flowchart (iii) algorithm written in computer language

7.Explain the working of the following c++ statement. (score 2)
putch ( getch ( ) );

8. Computers are part of the way we live. Justify (score 3)
9. Pick up the invalid identifier from the following. Give reasons for the invalidity
(1)@rld3 (2) HNO3 (3)_noon (4) 2ab (score 2)
10. Consider your school library. List out the different data processing activities and
connect them in the context of library (score 3)
11. Write out the binary coding of the word ‘PENCIL’ in ASCII 7. How many bytes are
required for the representation. (score 2)
12. Write an algorithm to find the area and perimeter of a circle. (score 4)
13. Arrange the following in correct sequence
Documentation—Testing—Debugging—Problem Identification—Program writing—
Algorithm Development (score 3)
14 Write a c++ program to get the following output. (score 5)
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * *
15. What type of network is required for each of the following situations. (score 3)
(1) A bank need to interconnect all its branches across the city
(2) All district headquarters in this state are to be connected by a network
(3) A university wants to build a computer network in the campus.
16. What is e-mail. Name any two websites that provide free e-mail services. (score 2)
17 main ( )
{ (score 1)
int p, q;
cout<<”enter the integers”;
if(p<q) cout<<p<<endl;
Pick up the correct statement from the following.
(i) Program is used to find the maximum of two integers.
(ii) Program is used to find the minimum of two integers.
(iii) Program is used to ascertain the equality of two integers
(iv) Program is used to find the remainder
18. Explain different types of errors (score 3)
19. In a CD pack CDs are placed one over the other through a central axis. Assume that
there are 50 CDs in the pack. (score 5)
(i) Name the data structure that resembles with the CD pack.
(ii) Consider the CD pack as an array in c++, how will you name the position of the last
CD and what will be its value.
(iii) Write an algorithm to remove a CD from the pack and name the operations
20. Write a C++ program to print Fibonacci series using recursive function (score 4)
21. What is the length of the string “MALAYALAM” . How much memory is required
to store the string. (score 2)
22. Searching for a word in a dictionary resembles with an array operation with a specific
method (score 4)
(i) Name the operation and method.
(ii) Write the algorithm to perform this.
(iii) Specify the prerequisites for this kind of search.
23. Read the following code segment (score 2)
Char name[30];
Cin>> name;
(i) If the input is “Devi Priya”, the output will be only “Devi”. Why does this
(ii) How can you make the output as “Devi Priya”.



1. Kishor forget to apply for the online job before the last date of applying. …….utility
of information fails in this regard. (1 Score)
2. “It is better to computerize the Public Library”. Suggest your view points in this
comment on behalf of EDP and MDP. (2 Score)
3. a) (734)10 = (x)4 = (y)6. Find x and y (2 Score)
b) Complete the series (233)8,(235)8,(240)8, ……., ……… (2 Score)
c) (11001)2 – (……..)2 =(1011) 2. Find missing term. (1 Score)
4. Choose the most suitable I/O device from the list
Thermal Printer, Light pen, OMR, Inkjet printer, Scanner, MICR for the following
situations. (2 Score)
i) A person wants to place his father’s photograph as the desktop wallpaper of his
ii) Quick processing of DDs and cheques in banks.
iii) Printing tickets in KSRTC buses.
iv) Evaluation of answer scripts in PSC and Entrance examinations.
5.a) How images are shown in LCD displays.
b)Describe the working of Ink Jet printer.
6.a) Compare RAM and ROM.
 (2 Score)
b)Discuss the advantages & characteristics of Hard Disc.
7. Yours friend request your help for arranging computers in his office as a network.
What are the minimum requirements that you will ask for networking. (2 Score)
8. Differentiate the below two strings in terms of network terminologies. Also specify
each terms.
9. Arrange various steps in programming given below in their correct order. (1 Score)
Execution & Testing, Problem Identification, Debugging, Documentation,
10. Drow the flow chart to print the series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, ……….. up to N terms.
(2 Score)

11. Distinguish the terms debugging and translation. (2 Score)
12. Arrange the below C++ tokens into five different groups. (2 Score)
price, double, avg_mark, +, else,:?,<=,”age”,123, ; , --,[ ]
13. Rewrite the following code using another statement in C++ (without using ‘if’)
if (a%2 = = 0) (2 Score)
14. a) Differentiate break; and continue; statements. (2 Score)
b)Predict the output for following code by tracing the loop (2 Score)
int a=0,c=0;
a + =1;
if(a= =5 || a= =6 || a= =7)
} cout<<c;
15. Predict the output of below C++ codes if initially a=10, b=3, c=4 all integer variables.
a++; (2 Score)
cout<<x; cout<<y;
16. Match the following variables and datatypes. (2 Score)
variables for storing
a) age of human being i) float
b) price of stationary item ii) character array
c) name of employee iii) unsigned int
d) Distance between earth and moon iv) long double
v) short.
17. Write a program in C++ to accept a character from keyboard and change its Case.
(Upper case to Lower case and vice versa)
Or (4 Score)
Write a C++ program to print the pattern as shown below.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


SET  4

1. Given the following code fragment
int main()
float sum(float,float);
void calc(void)
float x, y, z;
s = sum (x,y);
Will the above given function work? If not why? Score 3
2. Write a complete C++ program that reads a float array having 10 elements. The
program uses function to reverse this array. Score 3
3. Searching for a word in dictionary resembles with an array operation with a specific
(a) Name the operation and method. Score 1
(b) Write the algorithm to perform this. Score 3
(c) specify the prerequisites for this kind of search Score 1
4. The names of students in a class are stored in an array of strings. Write a program
program to prepare alphabetically sorted listings of names. Score 5
5. When structures are passed to function as argument it should be declared
……................ Score 1
6. Rajeev wants to convert a string to an integer and Raju wants to convert a long to a
string . Which built in function can be used for these purposes and give the name (s ) of
header file ( s ) which contain the prototypes of these functions ? Score 2
7. Arrange the following operators according to the increasing order of precedence.
?: , <= , ++ , || , + , * , >= , && Score 2
8. Match the following. Score 2
1. CPU a. MHz
2. HDD b. KBPS
3. Floppy c. GB
4. Printer d. 1.44 MB
e. CPS
9. Arun wants to convert the word DEAD to equivalent octal and Varun wants to convert
the octal number 7156 to equivalent hexadecimal number . Please help him. Score 2
10. Sutract 1110002 from 10111002 using 2’s complement method. Score 3
11. Now a days in newspapers, facilities are provided to include the news items which
come after all its pages are set and still can publish it in time. But it was not possible until
a few years back. Why? Score 3
12. Convert the following number into equivalent number systems.
(776)10 = (…….)4 = (…….)8 = (…….)7 Score 2
13. Name the following : Score 2
( a ) A program used to view information on the internet .
( b ) A folder that contains the received e_mail messages .
( c ) Example for a website that provides free e_mail service .
( d ) The device used to connect a computer to a network .
14 . Which protocol is used to deliver e_mail within internet ? Score 1
15. Briefly explain DNS . Score 2
16. If the principal asks you for your suggestion about buying a printer what will be your
opinion ? Why ? Score 3
17. What will be the result of a = 5/3 if a is ( a ) float ( b ) int Score 2
18. Evaluate a+ = a++ + ++a ; if a = 20 initially . Score 2
19. Which are the two ways to connect your computer to the internet ? Score 3
20. If your computer teacher asks you to write a computer program , what are the
activities to be performed by you for writing the the same ? Score 5
21. Explain different types of expressions and different methods of type conversions in
C++ . Score 5
22. A for loop statement is given below :
for ( int s = 0 ; n>0 ; s+ = n%10 , n/ = 10 ) ;
( a ) What will be the value of s after the execution of this loop , if the value of n is 456 ?
Give explanation of your answer . Score 2
( b ) Convert the above code segment using do-while loop Score 3
23. In a CD pack the CDs are placed one over the other through a central axis. Asume
that there are 25 CDs in the pack.
(a) Name the data structure that resembles with the CD pack. Score 1
(b) Considering the CD pack as an array, how will you name the position of the last CD
and what will be its value? Score 1
(c) Write an algorithm to remove a CD from the pack and name the operation
performed. Score 3
24. While waiting for ticket at the railway station ticket counter, you are following the
principle as that of a data structure.
(a) Name the data structure and the principle. Score 1
(b) Write an algorithm to add a new element in this data structure. Score 3
(c) Name the situation there is no space for adding the new element. Score 1