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Friday, May 25, 2012



1.'Computers have no Iq of their own'. Explain 1
2.Complete the series100, 110, 1000,______, ______ 1
3.Which device help you to input a photo graph into a computer? 1
4. ____________is the device used for connecting node to a network 1
5. Re-write the given statement using conditonal operator
if(a > b)
print a
print b 1
6. _________statement returns the control to the beginning of the program 1
7. If a=c/(d-e)name the error generated when value of both d and e is 5 1
8. Name the library function used to find the length of a string 1
9. Data processing is a series of operations that convert data into useful informaton.
Explain this with the help of a real life situation. 2
10. Compare CRT monitor and LCD monitor 2
11. You have a computer at home and wants to take an internet connection in your home.
What are the software and hardware required. 2
12. Suppose your friend copies software without permission. Is it a crime?
Justify your answer. 2
13 a)Group the following into
i) key word ii) identifier iii) literal iv) punctuator v) operator
'd', int, my_name, switch, ram , \t , +=, ; 2
b) What is the significance escape sequence? What is the escape sequence used
for null character 2
14. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a number using
a) Entry controlled loop 2
b) exit contro loop 2
15. Compare write() and getline() functions 2
16. Differentiate between LIFO and FIFO 3
17. a)Explain different type of errors that occur in a program 3
b)Explain different methods for giving comments in a C++ program 2
18. a) Explain different types of language processors 3
b) How RAM is differ from ROM 3
19. a)Compare switch and if.......else if ladder 3
b)Explain jump statements available in C++ 3
20. Write a program to find the reverse of a string 3
21. a) Explain Binary Search 2
b) Compare it with linear search 1
c)Write a C++ Program to do binary seach on a sorted array 3
d) write an algorith for linear search 3
e) Write C++ program to do linear seach in an array of give size 3
22. a)Differentiate call by value method and call by refrence method using an example 2
b) Write a C++ function to check a given number is prime or not 3
23. What is recursion? Write a recursive function to find the factorial of a given number. 5

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