1. Computers are more capable than human beings. List and explain any four argumentssupporting this statement. (2)
2. A student put his plus 1 application form just after the last date. Here which utility of
information is missed. What are the other utilities ? (3)
3. Fill up the missing numbers
(D‐‐‐‐‐‐‐)16 = (‐‐‐‐‐‐‐1000)2 (1)
(‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐) 8 = (101‐‐‐‐‐‐‐100)2 (1)
4. Represent in 2’s complement form
a) ‐89
b) ‐32 (3)
5. Find the decimal equivalent of the following
a) 72.18 b) 123.2616 (3)
6. Name the input device used for playing games. (1)
7. Explain the speciality of function keys in a keyboard (2)
8. Compare CRT and flat panel display. (3)
9. Compare key board and mouse (3)
10. Explain any two non impact printer and explain. (3)
11. What is ROM ? Explain different types of ROM. (3)
12. Seek time+ Latency time+Transfer time=‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ (1)
13. Computers are connected in many ways in a network . Explain the various types
of arrangement of computers as a network . Draw the block diagram and write features (3)
of each.
14. Differentiate compiler and interpreter. (2)
15. What are the limitations of flowchart and draw the flowchart symbols. (3)
16. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first N natural numbers. (3)
17. Identify the errors if any and correct them.
Void main[]
Int a,b;
Cout>>a>>b; (2)
18. If a=2 , b=3 and c= ++a + b++ then the value of c will be ‐‐‐‐‐‐ (1)
19. Following are some data items. Suggest suitable datatypes in c++ for storing it
Explain each data type by listing its features.
a. 10000 b. 5.24 c. ‘A’ d. 2157367 (2)
20. Match the following
a. Loop statement i. continue
b. Jump statement ii. Do—while
c. Decision statement iii. { a=0; }
d. Compound statement iv. Putchar
v. if (2)
21. Rewrite the following statement using ‘ if ‘statement
Large=a>b ? a : b ; (1)
22. ABC wrote a computer program. While compiling and running he saw many errors .
a. Identify the name given to the process of removing the errors. (1)
b. Briefly explain the type of errors. (3)
23. Write a program to get the following output
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 (4)
24. Write the algorithm for binary search and linear search (4)
25. Identify the odd one from the following.
a. break b. goto c. switch d. continue (1)
26. Distinguish between local and global variables (2)
27. Name the Header file to which following built in function belong to
a. sqrt() b. setw() c. getch() d. strcat() (2)
28. Distinguish between the following functions
a. islower and tolower (1)
b. isupper and toupper (1)
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